Tex too inconsistent
Hazed smoke/sentinel
Wardell chamber jett
Soms 2nd duelist on some maps and smoke on others when hazed plays sentinel
Ethan flex
Eiue sova
I actually like this idea. NRG do need a good oper. S0m is good but he’s a little inconsistent on the op and seems like a better rifler. He could play Jett/raze and just let Wardell play chamber. I think Tex is a good player but as you pointed out he’s been inconsistent and kind of seems like the one out of place in a team like NRG where they seem like an oper away from a top team with the addition of Ethan.
he was literally cut from TSM bc he wouldn’t commit to team and play in person/boot camp
he was literally not given a position at 100T bc he wouldn’t commit to in person playing
playing 1000 rank games is not equivalent to building team chemistry.
he doesn’t have the DNA to win championships. he did the same thing in NA CS and every org / top players black listed him.
hazed and Ethan are well aware what he is - which is selfish and pug/rank all star with no heart to put in the team work