Who are the top 5 sovas NA in your opinion?
derrek trent xeta crashies effys
(not in order)
stable ronaldo
no xeta?
Trent not top 5 in my books (music merchant)
Derrek Xeta Eeiu Effys Trent
Derrek xeta effys crashies bcj/trent? not in order
Derrek Sinatraa trent crashies xeta
I can’t believe we are still rating sinatraa even when he hasn’t played a pro match in over a year
he created current sova if only for respect i'd name him too
you watch him play sova and it's pretty clear that he's a natural tho something I haven't felt when watching trend and xeta, I have felt it with crashies and derrek tho
Hiko Crashies
sacy best south NA sova player
Dude said South NA 💀
LMAOO south NA
derrek, BcJ, crashies, xeta, trent