1- Mako 2 - Sacy 3 - Victor 4 - SugarZero 5 - Here idk, Aspas?, Forsaken?, Jingg? Lazz?, Yay?
***Put your top five(5) down below, by performance, and not bcause u like the player or think he is better. Just performance.
Are you dumb ? Where is eldiablo
ok, im dumb. Read all again. Brilliant human beeing.
Thanks You like mako and sugarzero thats why you put them number 1 and 3 Other wise yay would be 1
yay to me is the best, but by perfomance, u cant denny those guys bro.
I agree with you all are good But imagine optic without yay Imagine drx without mako You understand what i mean then
true, but, thats not my point in this thread.
Mako has a higher FK/FD differential (opening frags), a comparable ACS and ADR, while playing the controller. I think it's easy to see why one might put him at number 1.
1 - MaKo 2 - Sacy 3 - SugarZero 4 - Scream 5 - Yay
1- Jinggg (peforming massively on agents like Reyna) 2 - SugarZero 3 - Yay 4 - f0rsaken 5- Mako
based off impact IMO
1 - Yay 2 - Sugar Hero 3 - Mako 4 - Aspas 5 - Jinggg (could be higher tbh just dunno for now)
no f0rsakeN nor Jinggg? literally best individual besides Yay in this series bcs they literally carrying their team
bro, ppl need to reed corectly. Thats my top 5, and i literaly put them together on 5.
jinggg is doing a little better overall at least in my opinion
Aspas Jinggg f0rsaken sacy yay
1- yay 2- MaKo 3- Jinggg 4- SugarZ3ro 5- Sacy
1.MaKo 2.jinggg 3.buzz 4.sugar zero 5.aspas 6.yay/sacy
id agree with ur sugarzero picks
HM: laz
1-Mako 2-Laz 3-Yay 4-Jingg 5-Sugarzero HM: Sacy