Nice run sending the EU teams to lower brackets but now you have meet the NA final boss and then the APAC Mini-boss.
Title goes to NA.
Signed by a non-american fan.
Don't worry man.
Loud didn't play at the stage yey and optic has loud prob will fell the pressure and chock. I don't think it will be an easy game but will be likely close games but 2-0 in favor of optic in the end. Loud has good aimers but tbh yay is another level and marved too
drx losing to zeta barely says anything about optic, it was an extremely close match showcasing what peak valorant competitive can be, just dont let loud know that ascent is not optic's best map
Not trying to jinx bro but we need to do a racional analysis of the game.
Optic so far showed more and had harder enemies than loud. + Played on stage.