This isn't happening for certain obvious reasons, but I'll spell it out for you. NV's problem, at least from what was shown in Challengers Finals, is that their agents make no sense. Victor and Kaboose both play duelist, and no one on NV plays smokes, so mummaY is kind of just thrown on the Astra role. However, mummaY also ops, and how the hell is an oper going to spend around 20 seconds per round not holding the angle he needs to hold and play Starcraft? If you look at mummaY's ACS, his jett play is over 100 ACS higher than his astra/omen play, so there is no reason mummaY should continue to be playing smokes. This means that someone else should be playing smokes on the team, so obviously if kaboose is going to be replaced it will be with an astra/viper player, not another duelist.