I think for me, my dream build is
Ok so why two imports? Basically, Redkoh is actually in America rn after I think taking a bond from Singapore to not go for national service. He is cracked and imo I think it's a little wasted to see him coach TSM X. Not that TSM X is a bad team, just young age, wasted potential.
Now Ryann has just been released from ghost, I think we can let Redkoh do the IGLing since it's really his gift, Ryann can play smokes mainly for the team. That way he can fully unleash the potential that he wasn't giving due to the role of IGL. I think this may not be the perfect roster, but imo I think Redkoh can play sentinel or Duelist, and Ryann can play smokes so why not.
Don't judge it's just my opinion and it's a dream build so don't take it too seriously