roster consisting of 5 mechanically talented players
stomped their region
rough in the midround
they're oddly similar for the massive distance in between them!
DRX mid rounding now is good under Zest.
Its their late rounds I am concerned with, they just int sometimes without any utility.
I would say DRX now is just a shittier Gambit. They play slow af. Anyone on their squad can win rounds at times and throw away rounds under high pressure.
i don't have any evidence but from what I watched DRX's postplants were really solid - holding crosses, good spacing, util, the works.
what cucked them was getting picked on the entry into site then floudering for the remaining 1 minute before bursting into another site and losing to numbers.
I kinda disagree with the Gambit comparison, since their strength lies in their rock-solid fundamentals and fantastic calling whereas with a team like DRX, it seems like they rely more on elaborate site execs and a deep playbook - similar to Fnatic in a way.
DRX don't do execs anymore. Its a part of their strat but calling them a exec heavy team is just looking at past DRX. Their retake is what I meant, they can hold sites on attack yes but can't retake on defence on some days. The maps they lost to against WGS they won 3 defense rounds. The map they went on OT against ONS2 they won 3 defense rounds. They can't adapt well on defence at times.