What has been your longest ot match in valorant?
None I 5-0 every game and then they ff
5-0 the bot frag raze turns on his mic for the first time and says "f5 guys"
probably like 1 hour and 10min or something
0-10 Then 11-11 Then 15-17 Map was icebox it was unrated but intense
15-17 in unrated? it doesnt go overtime bruh
ssw trying to be smart OMEGALUL
Sorry about that It was 15-16
the most rounds u can get in unrated is 13 omegalul
bro it ends at 12-13... tf u on?
bozo unrated maxes out at 12-13, tell me you're lying without telling me you're lying
Bro do you even play Valorant hahaha
caught lackin KEKW
unrated dosent go ot..
Caught lying in 4k
As far as i remember the match between me and your mom is the longest. It's a thrilling and exciting match that is full of back and forth motion
name checks out
I think I've had a game go 19-17 Definitely 16-14 though
I hate when its a super fun game and someone draws, I'd rather lose than play a draw
19-19, such a fucked up game
15-13 max, theres always a guy who draws
16-14. Some cunt always draws FeelsBadMan
19-17 dropped a fat 43k with Astra because my Reyna didn't know how to entry
dont know how to kill or dont know how to entry? everytime play jett i know how to entry but cant kill for some reason kekeke
as long as you entry and create space, you have done your job tbh, ill trade you immediately lol but this reyna was just waiting for someone to push instead lol
went 18-20
Nothing special about the game though. Just 2 sweaty teams very close to each other in terms of skill that day.