in terms of using her kit rather than cracked aim
Will be interesting to see how she is after the nerf/balancing. From the State of the Agents post. Riot want to make her less oppressive when she's teamed up with agents like viper, kj, etc. It's a tough spot, because at gold/plat level play she is fine, IMO. In fact I run into way more crappy Astra's than good ones. But at the top level with good communication she is just so smothering that it can be impossible to hit sites at times.
Something I was thinking of, is if they nerf her suck a bit, they can maybe buff her ult by making it so certain utility can't go through it, and help retake sites in the post plant molly meta. Her Ult is a 7 point ability, but even pros think it's only useful in limited areas. Making it so a Viper, Sova, Brim can't just throw utility to stop a defuse might give it some better usage.