Why HLTV looks so shit , looks like an old betting site now I understood why CS fans come to vlr.gg
hltv is way prettier than this shitty site
Sentinel fan take understandable KEKW
its very unpleasing for the eyes, vlr.gg is one of the cleanes sites ive used because its simple
I think its the opposite ngl, hltv way cleaner imo
I can't help but die when using HLTV, interesting you like it tho
Isn’t this site a copy of HLTV though? Got their design and layout from somewhere.
isnt this guy who should touch some grass
0/8 this is slowly turning into a betting site too, had to manually block 2 ads yesterday or so
oh my god r u gonna cry
watcha mean bro, you don't want coaching ads from boi and and pl1xx? 20 percent off man
I got bjor ad lessgo bjor on top baby bjorlulu different number 1 player in the world.
totally tubular
I'd cop if it was a personal coaching session from poki
oh yea get that nice boost from the pros eh
hltv won't even tell me how long the 31-27 game was
yeah let's not pretend vlr is a carbon copy of hltv
Nah I'd say the thespike is much more of a carbon copy than vlr
vlr is a little better looking but the statistical insight hltv provides is so much deeper than vlr
It’s not visually appealing but the stats and stuff are a lot better
most people like simple design with understandable ux