what happened to himm???why isnt he playing with kru right now???
He doesn´t play the first map of today cuz they have a bad internet and need to go to Leviatán gaming house to play, but he arraived late in the server, and they can´t play in the first match. https://twitter.com/keznitdeuS/status/1497679827662303233?s=20&t=EwTUorXyB_Bo03xW6JvN_w
The other comments in this post it´s about a fight that he have with a br player, the both have guilty, they insult with physic comparations and the br player threatened to hit him in tweeter. The fight was started cuz the br player are tilted with kru in a pracc, and he flamming to Mazino, and keznit was defending him friend in angry way.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqpgrm9KhB4