Me: Astra, Chamber, Cypher, Jett, KAY/O, Killjoy, Neon, Omen, Phoenix, Raze, Skye, Viper, Yoru.
Can't remember if I got Reyna's tho, but I have all agents unlocked so most contracts are "halfway" there.
And you?
Omen & Jett
ALL Except Chamber and KAYO On 3 ACC
It because i usually get ban (from 2 hr to whole ass week ) haahaa
What the fuck hahaha
jett omen viper
Omen, Breach, 1 tier left for Sova
Jett, Viper, Astra, Chamber and Phoenix
jett & kj
Astra, Omen, Brimstone, Killjoy, Cypher, Chamber, Reyna, Raze, Yoru, Skye
SHEEEEEEEEEEESH looks like I have the most unlocked contracts here edit : nvm someone has more
cypher, breach, brimstone, yoru, chamber, kayo, astra, neon, skye
All on 2 acc, and one without kayo chamber.neon, breach