Im thinking watching VODs for gamesense and 2-3dm per day for aim.
Currently stucked at plat 1.
Any recommendations?
Can you tell me if you have any prev. background in fps games? you can watch ur own vods to know what you're doing wrong.. watch pro matches to learn new things ( I would recommend you to watch the original stream instead of watchparties and try to make out what the pros are trying to do by yourself) For the aim part, Play dm, go in range and grind ranked.
I mean playing DM mindlessly isn't do anything for you other than warm up to be honest. You should try to play 3 DMs, 2 focusing on crosshair placement and 1 focusing on movement and first shot accuracy (you can use the guardian for this one). Game-sense will only improve after playing a lot of comp.
2-3 won't cut it
( I went from iron 1 to diamond over a year of casually play, only did this for a bit over a month tho)