do you guys think a full mmr reset would be good for ranked? like reset everyones mmr and make people play like at least 10-15 games to determine skill and get rid of all the boosted people from the first acts
I'm hardstuck gold 3 in my main account and I am diamond 2 in my ALT lmfao. In my gold3 account i had played about 400 hours of unranked (with friends) prior to starting competitive. And now whenever I log in my main I get depressed because I play with Plats who were ex-immortal and generally high elo players, of the same skill that I see in my diamond2 alt. This system is garbage especially for people who like to play a lot of unranked with friends.
They need to 100% reset both hidden mmr and RR ranks the amount of boosted people is insane i created a smurf 2/3 acts ago and got first rank D1 whilst my main back then was hardstuck P3 and only last and this act have i been able to climb out of P3 and reached D3 with an 12 games winning streak so its insanely hard to rank up with these people..
Just played this game, this ranking system is so great...