please add me so i have some people to invite to lobby for comp. So done with soloq, too many fortnite gamers, skill is way to spread in this elo (or game)
EU plats are silver NA... cuz of ping difference... same thing for NA... so there would be no point in adding u, at least if u are from NA or any other regions (other than EU)
Lmao I started by downvoting you, then after reading your 2nd message I read again and upvoted just bc I think everybody misunderstood what you said. Maybe syntax idk, check that up bud
I know that this isn't the point of ur comment, but I figured where else to post this than here. I'm EU Silver and travelling to the US as an exchange student this fall, and I will once and for all prove or bust the myth of EU Plat being NA Iron or vice versa... we'll see in September