Titanic Shawshank Redemption The Truman Show
bonus: overrated movies pulp fiction interstellar inception
I think The Help is a fantastic movie
Click by Adam Sandler
as a Marvel fan, Spider-Man No Way Home
facts interstellar crazy overrated
Titanic-generic romantic tragedy movie , Shawshank : overrated
I watched Forrest Gump for the first time recently and it instantly became one of my all time favorites.
gattaca, watched this movie in my bio class, was litttt
Manchester By the Sea Most will say it’s boring but I’ve never seen a movie that displays a real life situation so well
Side note any of y’all heard of Letterboxd?
Captain America Winter Solider will forever be my #1 and it really isn't even close.
Interstellar overrated?
spiderman no way home