Just Do It.
Dude these guys were all playing OWL. And now they are getting absolutely shat on, to the point of not even qualifying for masters/champions by kids who were struggling to keep a 0.8 rating in ESEA main. Just stop, you're feeding into my argument. It took nivera 2 months to make Zombs look like a clown and he would've done the same to sinatraa and the other Faze team garbage (if they ever qualified omegalul).
OWL is some low level trash, keep coping.
are you illiterate lmao. there isnt a single tier 1 other than sinatraa who converted and he is one of the best players in NA. Just because u were in OWL doesnt mean u were good, sayaplayer, rawkus, etc are literal nonames in OWL. U can same Actual fucking dumbass, it doesnt matter what game u are from, zeek was literally from fortnite and farmed on nivera since u love him so much LMAO.
OWL = top league
ESEA main < ESEA intermediate < ESEA advanced < ESEA MDL < ESL Conference < ESL Pro League
ESEA Main players absolutely taking a huge fat dumb on OWL players. To the point where ESEA Main players are 5/10 of Champions finals whereas OWL "pros" can't even qualify.
Idk how else to break it to you. But the best league in OW is competing with the most amateur league in CS. That's the shit level that garbage game is at. Quit coping and have a reality check.