Fns and NRG team environment

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I am gonna make it clear, fns is one of my favourite players out there but this thing can't be avoided and has become pretty recognizable where NRG and fns doesn't provide a really good team environment where people can genuinely open up and become real good friends which is important for pro play if you are on the same team, ardiis mentioned this out when he was on nrg he got blamed a lot and that the entire team as a unit were never close friends and rather there were groups in nrg where some people hanged out with particular others and did not hang out with the rest. Now obviously ardiis also baits a lot so take this with a little bit of salt and this happened again in verno where apparently verno isn't really comfy with the players on nrg however looked so much more happier with aspas and was even talking a lot , remember Abt crashies look how happy bro is at fnatic , and the common denominator I can find in all th rosters is fns and som, so u can understand it's their problem that they were unable to integrate verno into their team and not verno fault


I agree with you but ngl.. the switch up is crazy. For the last month all anyone would talk about is how Verno never talked, played poorly and in some cases how he “ruined his career”. My man got dogged on for months by the community and it only takes one day of positive results for people to realize there’s two sides to the story and he’s… actually still a very good player.


Ngl I also did somewhat troll verno but not too much as i did have that in mind maybe this guy is just a very introverted guy and fns and NRG failed at making him comfy and that's also why he didn't really respond to anything


If you knew anything about how he'd been on his previous team it was obvious something else was up.

Glad he's finding success on MIBR while NRG continues to fail as it has been because both management and s0m and unc refuse to create a team environment people are comfortable in.


Yeah no , someone on VLR gave me that link to oxygen voice coms ( this happened before the mibr verno ) and I was suprised to find he did comm a significant amount in oxygen so yeah figured something was definitely up


I disagree. First of all Ardiis, FNS and s0m are still on good note with each other. Yay has also played with FNS and has never complained yet have just said good things about him. Marved, who also played with him has same opinions. Even in interviews FNS has been saying he doesnt like much roster changes in the middle of season or in general and only do if there seems a need. We dont know why Verno was dropped, I am not even saying it was his fault and none of FNS but generalizing this incident to characterize someone is totally wrong. Also Crashies seems happy at Fnatic but was never sad playing with FNS as well :).About s0m, he is one of the nicest guys in pro val btw.


I am not saying that these guys are evil but maybe they didn't exactly know and aren't really good at integrating verno cause of his reserved nature I suppose


MIBR is now my fav team picking up verno, i guess we'll never know what exactly happened as verno refused to mention it, and it wont ever come out unless its leaked somehow


Yea icl ive started to root for mibr since theyve picked up verno.


anyone who goes to NRG automatically gets debuffed, is how it is


FNS back to call-center


@NerfMaxima come cyber patrol this guy u fuckwit how are you letting this guy get away with racism! its morally wrong!

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