Is it just me or PRX have no midrounding whatsoever? They do a set play with util combo on like the first 5 seconds of the round and if they don’t get a kill they get confused or don’t know what to do. This should be a coaching problem no?
they learnt how to play a new comp but they only understood how to use it
still no understanding of the map and other shit etc
same set plays reclear A main at 1 minute/40 seconds then running it down A or B if they reclear or cant reclear A properly
What were they doing in the offseason then? Jesus
"Thank you for 10 gifted bang:
HAHAHHA nah youre actually funny bro LMFAO
Are you surprised with no igl?
I thought davai is igl?
They seems like the worst midrounding team in the world right now