-coco +s1mon
TEC are known to pick up former EDG members in Haodong and After and S1mon played under Haodong for his champs win-they are a duo that he will be comfterble with
TECs new roster is
Nah if you watched him at bangkok, he was looking like the worst player at the tournament. E.g. full flashing a player and missing 10 shots at someone who cant shoot back, costing them the round is just unacceptable. Any other EDG player has never reached the low that S1mon did during Bangkok, wish him all the best though
I agree that S1mon was the worst-performing at Bangkok, but have you seen how nobody used to play in 2023 to early 2024. Whilst not the kind to team-flash, this guy had and still does have a bad overpeek problem on one of the most important roles. Despite S1mon's low point in Bangkok, he had showing of quality and I think he probably just got shaken up by how levelled up the competition was after 2024. I personally believe S1mon's big downfall is that he couldn't learn Tejo as well as nobody so it limited options of Tejo-Sova play. The teamflashes and whiffs can be smoothed out through developing S1mon's composure.