Who comes out on top this time??
the real question is whose verno going to punch first before the games over?
huh what why?
I heard demon1 is retired from playing duelist and now tex is going to be full time duelist, is that true?
praying for demon1 iso in vct
Demon1 Iso vs Aspas Iso pleaseeeee
doubt it ngl
the only duelist agent I could see him play is Iso, but tex was already playing Iso. And Waylay is another "dive" duelist that requires good movement so idk. Maybe try to Jett one trick
Last time demon 1 said "I am going to take care of Aspas"
And well he did, he fed him kills upon kills.
Aspas easilyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wins.
There is no chet this time
Aspas has never lost a direct duel against Demon1 in the 6 matches they have played.
Will that finally change?
U tripping Aspas has lost almost all direct duels against demon1