oce split 1 doesn't even have a date LMAO wtf? meanwhile emea have a mini ascension tournament and most regions have either finished there split 1s or are close to. how tf r u not even trying to give a shit about tier 2
no one cares about OCE
OCE cares about OCE, let them have it man
stop hating
We don’t claim this SEN fan
riot should lose hundreds of thousands of dollars for no reason in a oceania tier 2! totally makes sense from a business standpoint right guys?
yo who said allat
I just told him to stop hating I never said anything about riot investing in OCE
Then what are you complaining about? Are you just saying stuff to say stuff?
Just go outside instead bro, your country is beautiful
he's gonna get offed by an oversized spider or smth
Depending on where he lives chances of him getting robbed by a hobo on drugs is higher.