Ascent: prob Sova and Kayo with maybe some Tejo play
Icebox: Sova/Kayo or Gekko/Kayo, doubt we see anything else
Everything else probably stays the same
she is good she got really good entry potential especially for pro play when u play with a coordinated team, her ult is one of the best duelists ultimate out there also dashes are good, I think the only problem w her is the limited utility she has unlike Yoru who has so much util and Raze also Jett got kinda better oping potential
Icebox is notorious for not really needing entry. I think we'll see solo Iso or no-duelist comps making space for the Deadlock.
My initial comp ideas would be Viper Deadlock KJ + some combo of Sova Tejo KAY/O and Iso. You'd have to test them all though. Triple suppress meta could also happen, that'd be funny.