The amount of cope and delusion from g2 fans on vlr is insane. Never seen this much denial after a lost from fans of any team. not even SEN fans are capable of this
right ? g2 fans are the most racist aggressive downbad people of the earth
agreed froggy
sen fans are absolutely capable of this lmao
i’m like 90% sure the majority of g2 cope is bait
just ignore
Not converting your championship points just shows you are not yet ready yet and the other team worked harder than you both ingame and out of the game
T1 players wanted the win more than G2 thats all
You are saying this like some SEN fans and the majority of the NRG fans don't exist
"But... But we were the best team of the event" 🥺
i mean s0n and th fans are even worse lmfao