30min cooldown 💔 take your time i guess 💔 💔
My first ban was making a fruity vlr user list
Second was saying I will wipe a country off the map
3rd was making a thread called vlr ban record
4th was making a part 2 counted as spam
5th I called myself a prophet
6th I put a off topic in valorant discussion
7th I asked how many ladyboys are in the crowd
8th I put off a topic post in valorant discussion
8th it was spam , but I don’t understand how I spammed when I had a 30 minute cooldown
9th also spam with a 30 minute cooldown
Every ban after the 4th one are bullshit I’m not even gonna lie I’ve seen people say way worse and not get banned, I’m guessing I got a delay for getting banned for spam 2 times but I didn’t spam either time and the mods won’t tell me what I even did wrong
Ngl only 5th seems unfair and even then I might be missing context. The other bans make sense.
I have over 8k posts and have never gotten banned, you just gotta stop saying controversial shit and post in the right category. And mind you I used to be a pretty toxic ragebaiter on this site, I just kept trash talking within the realm of valorant and never mentioning gender, sexual orientation or country like you've done.