Ngl, Meteor won't win another trophy with Buzz and Stax.
Hed win another trophy before lulquid reach the semis of another tourney
Liquid will never win anything. VIT was a just a huge upset and disappointment. I never believed in Sayf.
why u crashing out on vit they only lost to the best and 2nd best team itw
he need to win champ at least three times before compare to faker
Not really Faker has no world championship
who tf is Meteor??
Last time I saw your ahh name you was repping vit😭✌🏽
that was for bangkok and Sayf im a NAVI fan
bring it again when meteor doesnt have to take military service wish this guy would have gone for military service i wouldnt have to see him play then but oh well </3
Would have to win champs at least 3 times before he's even close he ain't even a contender for valorant goat yet
He needs to win pacific at least 7 times, win champs 3 times within 6 years, and get a share of t1 plus earn 3 mil + a year. we can't compare any current esport player to faker at this moment.
He lowkey reminds me of faker, they have the same brand of endearingly awkward