babushka_boii95 [#3]Hed win another trophy before lulquid reach the semis of another tourney
Liquid will never win anything. VIT was a just a huge upset and disappointment. I never believed in Sayf.
babushka_boii95 [#9]Last time I saw your ahh name you was repping vit😭✌🏽
that was for bangkok and Sayf
im a NAVI fan
efweema [#8]bring it again when meteor doesnt have to take military service
wish this guy would have gone for military service i wouldnt have to see him play then but oh well </3
Shadow_Monarch [#6]Liquid will never win anything. VIT was a just a huge upset and disappointment. I never believed in Sayf.
why u crashing out on vit they only lost to the best and 2nd best team itw