the best i could think of is lock//in but not sure about the other 2
edg vs th boom vs ns
fnc loud sen geng spg boom
fk it
fnc loud spg boom t1 g2
depends on how map 5 goes. If its a good game then yeah probably top 3 (at least top 5), however if its a stomp either way than maybe like 8th
hows the tops looking rn
fnc loud edg th
nothing else is close tbh there are lower finals which are giga bangers tho like
drx optic 22 champs prx loud 23 champs optic fpx masters cph eg prx masters tokyo
Don't forget EG vs Loud in champs, that's when Demon1 joined the 101 kill record holders, and probably EG's best ever match especially after the pearl 13-0 from loud.
only if its not some 13-3 shit like Shanghai
sen-geng sen-fnc gambit-envy (no order)
prx vs EG , TH vs Edg
acend gmb watching gambit choke was so beautiful eg prx watching paper rex lose was so beautiful edg th watching th lose was so beautiful
okay this gf surely has to be top 3 triple ot in map 5