Zero clutch merchant..
didnt bro clutch in abyss
why do u expect stax to clutch against 3/4 enemies alive, knowing his position? watch out the other t1 frauds like meteor
Are u fucking dumb? Meteor's one of the only reasons T1 is even here in this grand final
loooooool there buddy
meteor is like the only reason why these other bums beside izu and sylvan are considered a superteam
bro.. he's the reason they lost the last map wytb LMFAO
ur on dick so hard, stax was their best player in that abyss game
meteor is amazing, but hes not this perfect player you make him out to be.
st0x best player in the big 2025 kek
.37 rating on defense abyss
hes literally on reyna??
ur on dick bro
crazy coming from a buzz dickrider
idk what to say but u guys dont think meteor's reyna on abyss was not putting fraud worthy. we have seen something play reyna and farm. meteor went negative on attack and defense both
bruh come on bro stax
this series is just a hard igl diff tbh
came here after his 4k