- Smoke fades, Jawgemo has to fight against 4 on site in main, T1 are ready
- Sylvan takes the first engage in an attempt to either win the duel or gather info on whether or not Jawg left. If Sylvan dies there, it's still a 1v3
- iZu sees Jawgemo 1 tap Sylvan and goes to trade, big problem however is that Jawgemo doesn't spray Sylvan to get the kill there, he manages to get a 1 tap in and instantly strafes left to cover, then immediately repeeks to force iZu in a 1v1 duel before iZu can ditch to safety. If Jawgemo commited to the spray, his time to strafe to cover is delayed, and iZu would either chunk him hard or get the easy trade
- iZu dies and Meteor's too far to secure the trade before Jawgemo tucks to cover to reload
- Meteor (rifle) and BuZz (sheriff) then stack together to prepare for a Jawgemo desperate swing
- Jawgemo anticipates this as he already knows there's two holding him, so he sends a FAKE TP to the right that forces Meteor to check for the sound queue, leaving BuZz to be the only one holding Jawgemo's side
- Jawgemo takes the swing and INSTANTLY 1 taps BuZz like he's fucking cheating, and since Meteor is in arm's length to BuZz as he should be when holding in a 2v1 position, he's instantly sprayed down with little time to react
0 mistakes by T1, Jawgemo simply aim diffed/outplayed them.