if he waited a couple seconds longer he could’ve gotten jawg
meteor always plays like this. He will make plays if he thinks there's a timing, 'patience' is not in his dictionary. It was bound happen that his crazy plays would come back to bite him
he might thought it was a clone
that meteor vs trent 1v1 cost them
that one + the jaw ace are inexcusable throws
nah it was the jawg clutch
T in T1 stands for Throw
ive seen so much meteor glazing but imo chichoo is better, he went negative on REYNA
relax meteor has to play with drx rejects
He has to get carried by DRX rejects
People are glazing him way too hard he's a great player but that's it
We have to admit that he has the most resource among the all non-duelist player, bro can pick Reyna Iso Chamber as long as he wants to
Duelist bias is so prevalent the only non duelist who gets glaze also plays duelist half the time
they glaze him because of his aim(valid), but he is one of the dumbest players in pro play right now
trolled like 3 rounds singlehandedly
he supposed to carry this game when his team give him Reyna, shameful
hope izu went on reyna instead of meteor