best set-ups, best midrounding, best retakes, best meta read, it is not possible for any team to beat this iteration of g2 as it stands
the Yoru info tech has been doing wonders
teams who won first map at grand finals of international events have lost the series 74% of the time
correlation =! causation
you dont even know what that means 🤣 bandwagon g2 fans are embarrassing
thats mean we are the 26%, just make it better
its 8 team event calm down.
and every region sent their two best teams, if g2 is this far ahead of the best of every region then i can’t imagine what they’ll do to every other team
far ahead. They lost to edg.
and then they btfo’d them in the rematch and edg got worse against t1
Grass is green, roses are red
"as it stands" why do americans seem to force words like they just learned how to use them
because it’s 7am and i’m yapping on vlr while watching a grand finals do you want me to write you a fucking haiku
Shrike absolutley just cooked this guy
We know you’re his alt account bro
Stage 1 and Toronto Masters we'll see if G2 is still ahead of other teams. Bangkok is just Mickey Mouse.