Just played a game where my one of my randoms had locked Reyna before anyone else had loaded in and the other one had tried to lock her as well, picked Jett instead. The Jett starts throwing from the first round cuz he can't play Reyna. During second round our Reyna (who's fucking ign was 'fear my glock' which is so fucking cringe in it's own right) says "fucking monkey" after every kill. One of my friends goes "oo you're hard" as a joke and then he immediately just starts buying a judge and sitting in spawn whilst also hard throwing and screeching the most racist shit he could think of down the mic the whole match and calling us bad every time we died and still for some reason trying to shit talk the other team. He wasn't even like a teenager or anything he was a grown fucking man, plus his aim was some of the worst I have ever seen and he only top fragged by sitting in corners with the judge and waiting for all of us to die.
Reyna mains deserve to all get sounded by an electric eel bro these fucking useless, fatherless people genuinely contribute nothing to society