Amer: 5 emea: 1 pac: 5 china: 1
china never has any good team other than edg EU sucks 🤣 pac and Amer look the most competitive every year
You mean AMER 1, EMEA 5 I hope
last trophy won in 2023 🤣
actually I think this would be better China 1 Apac 2 Emea 4 Amer 5
buddy had to count ancient ass trophies from back when Hiko was competing to make EMEA look good
your pathetic region currently holds the record for longest streak without any trophies, the only direction your slots ought to be going is downward
#6 said it perfectly
4,4,4,4 perfection
you lot are doing too much for a region whose second seed got farmed by ours
bad form, couldn't send our good teams bc of this slot distribution 😡
trophy for “our best second seed farmed yours”: