Let's talk about Sentinels.

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Yeah yeah I'm a SEN fan, I've been one since I discovered TenZ (Etc etc go ahead think of your typical stereotype comments).
This new SEN team has a horrible confidence issue. That third map against TL made it look like it was a Radiant vs Iron game. No jokes, I could probably get four randoms from Diamond and still get more rounds than SEN did in that third map.
Also, the comms seemed so lackluster. If you take a look at TenZ's reaction, he goes "WHY THE FUCK IS NO ONE HOLDING THE PLANT" and that's so true! Like I've seen people holding the plant as low as Silver 3 on Mumbai servers. They fucked that round up after the flash revealead nAts was there as well!


Yeah yeah I'm a SEN fan, I've been one since I discovered TenZ (Etc etc go ahead think of your typical stereotype comments).
This new SEN team has a horrible confidence issue. That third map against TL made it look like it was a Radiant vs Iron game. No jokes, I could probably get four randoms from Diamond and still get more rounds than SEN did in that third map.
Also, the comms seemed so lackluster. If you take a look at TenZ's reaction, he goes "WHY THE FUCK IS NO ONE HOLDING THE PLANT" and that's so true! Like I've seen people holding the plant as low as Silver 3 on Mumbai servers. They fucked that round up after the flash revealead nAts was there as well!


Bro issues exist everywhere chill man , they will fix them if they are a good team , don't sweat , i know it can be frustrating but it it what it is, also seems like kaplan is a great coach so he will do the right stuff


Yeah yeah I'm a SEN fan, I've been one since I discovered TenZ (Etc etc go ahead think of your typical stereotype comments).
This new SEN team has a horrible confidence issue. That third map against TL made it look like it was a Radiant vs Iron game. No jokes, I could probably get four randoms from Diamond and still get more rounds than SEN did in that third map.
Also, the comms seemed so lackluster. If you take a look at TenZ's reaction, he goes "WHY THE FUCK IS NO ONE HOLDING THE PLANT" and that's so true! Like I've seen people holding the plant as low as Silver 3 on Mumbai servers. They fucked that round up after the flash revealead nAts was there as well!


Yeah yeah I'm a SEN fan, I've been one since I discovered TenZ (Etc etc go ahead think of your typical stereotype comments).
This new SEN team has a horrible confidence issue. That third map against TL made it look like it was a Radiant vs Iron game. No jokes, I could probably get four randoms from Diamond and still get more rounds than SEN did in that third map.
Also, the comms seemed so lackluster. If you take a look at TenZ's reaction, he goes "WHY THE FUCK IS NO ONE HOLDING THE PLANT" and that's so true! Like I've seen people holding the plant as low as Silver 3 on Mumbai servers. They fucked that round up after the flash revealead nAts was there as well!


average rage bait sen fan xddd


Sen are going to win Bangkok mark my words

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