Hi vlr, today we are gonna review the composition in Split for the 8 team that participate in Master Bangkok. Keep in mind that team might change their composition. So here is the composition that the 8 team has played in kickoff
Trace esport is the only team that didn’t play split, but it’s not a permaban, it’s only their 2nd ban and technically they played it right after kickoff so we will see… The team with the best tracking reccord is Liquid with 3 wins for 0 loose, then Sentinels have 3 wins for 1 loose, then DRX and EDG have play the map once and win. Vitality have 1 win and 1 loose, same for T1 with their most used composition but have they 1 more loose for an alternative composition, and G2 have only 1 loose.
Let’s adress the elephant in the room, Viper was almost played by everyone beside DRX that replaced her by Cypher for the only game they played.
Omen was also almost played by everyone beside G2 and Liquid that both replaced him by an Astra.
Same for Raze played by everyone except the 2 american team that played Yoru instead.
For the last 2 pick, everyone played at least a flasher and a reaveal, Breach-Tejo was the main choice, played by G2, Sentinels and DRX, while EDG played a Skye-Tejo and Vitality a Breach-Fade. Liquid played Yoru-Fade, and T1 hesitated between copying Liquid or picking a Skye that can both flash and reveal, allowing them to pick a Chamber.
In conclusion Spilt was a really diverse map in the past but it may not be true in the next masters, sure you can still make some variation to compositions, but it seems the meta is going in favor of 2 smoker, 1 diver, 1 flasher and 1 reaveal without a sentinel. Raze-Beach-Tejo-Viper-Omen have the lead, but you can make some variation, and for exemple include an agent like Yoru, since he did really good for liquid as a 2nd duelist, and for Sentinel as a main duelist. Byye.