if team liquid make top 2 at bangkok i will eat a full non-toxic glue stick
they won't even make top 4
maybe i should make the non-toxic glue offer top 4, if they make 2 i'll drink toxic glue bc i dont want to live in a world like that
nah let's stick to the first plan, i'll join you on that
team liquid is a cursed org, they always ruin expectations no matter if it's the fans or the doubters
where's the fun in non-toxic glue, you afraid of poisoning pussy?
he's a KC fan, leave him alone keke
Eat up buddy
off topic, but what is this glue thing? i saw it so much on here and reddit. ive been away too long i didnt know the inside joke anymore
same as mud last year started with plat chat talking about bad teams sniffing glue before playing
lmao imagine they do they could make alot of progress scrimming the academy team