The team that got me into valorant esports
Wardell Drone Hazed Subroza Cutler
this team was actually nuts bro prime subroza and wardell were special
what tf is roza doing nowadays…
did he retire ? enjoying his life streaming?
hes pretty popular as a streamer i think
drone phoenix was actually legendary
real ones remember triple duelist with wardell jett, drone phx, and subroza raze
real ones remember when subroza made skye viable with this clip alone:
while fasting too 🔥 We need yassine back in pro play man
One of the clips that made me get an oni phantom. Just hits different.
how did wardell fall off during chamber meta? his whole thing is oping like a pussy, he shouldve been like top 5 oat if he didnt fall off
crazy that wardell and babybay used to be the best duellists itw
faze smeaging their way into enemy spawn
He hit like 1 out of the 10 op shots he took after the pacing of the games picked up. He was elite when the pacing was still slow and steady
Straight up false
He didn’t fall off in game, not skill wise atleast. He went 30-15 on the last game he played with a proper team
Myth watch party was goated
yessss also coach myth with the kentucky f-house strat
Same dude. Man I really wanted a matchup between 2021 cNed and Wardell. That shit would have been legendary.
It was so weird. We steamrolled entire challengers but when playoffs came we just lose to envy and rise. Envy I understand, but rise??
the team that got me into val esports, sad wardell fell off hard he was genuinely the best op in na back then
He could have been for longer but he decided to focus more on streaming.
i mean his career dropped when he was found out to be duoing with a sniper, legit couldve been a top player if he wasnt sadly lazy as hell
That was much after, but yeah I can't believe he did that shit. Made me lose all the respect I had for him.
yeah, only person even relevant in the scene are subroza and maybe even hazed, nostalgia trip hitting hard
used to BINGE on streams and vods with 2020 tsm during online classes
The only memory I have of TSM is how every iteration of their roster was super hyped nd had huge fanbase beefing with Sen fanbase but TSM always ended up losing to random teams getting eliminated early and fans slowly gave up on them with time
They won the faze clan invitational but after that they couldn't find the same success.
honestly SEN vs TSM felt like an actual rivalry, just pure hatred for each other on social media and constant BMing
Is wardell still dating with elle lee?