How many more rounds of dying halls does he need until he plays off site bro wtf
did you forgot?
pancada is the best smokes players to ever touch the game
TenZ snatched his omen chain in one year unfortunatley.
loud's comp is bad playing after plant
They had 11 rounds to figure out something instead of pANcada insta dies halls and v1nny kills himself trying to trade him every round
Stk moment
it was a 5 vs 4 retake every roud and the guy still playing there
how would you manage the after plant with that comp?
My brother in christ it doesn't matter, you either do:
a. Play retake and have a chance at winning the round b. Let 2 mfs die for free and lose the retake 100 times out of 100
my brother in Christ, their best round on A was literally playing site '=', they lost almost every retake
what are you waffling about we're talking about B
yeah, i was talking about B too, it was a typo
he needs to play off he hadd the only win con (astra ult)
eu tava falando disso mano, ele nao giva o bomb nunca, parece q eles nao tao olhando as ult dos inimigo
Até sem ult o pancada se fodia no museu, certeza que o stk ta comendo o cu dele e do v1nny na prac room agr