literally one of the most boring teams ever besides jawgemo
i only see them spamming smokes and playing stingers
and i cant forget about the fact that they have zero "soul", purely based on using meta and theyre nerdy asf too
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Registered: | May 6, 2024 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 9:50 AM |
Posts: | 51 |
literally one of the most boring teams ever besides jawgemo
i only see them spamming smokes and playing stingers
and i cant forget about the fact that they have zero "soul", purely based on using meta and theyre nerdy asf too
does anyone know whos the player with more finals appearances in a global event?
61 kills and 6 first kills
really impactful player
LEV might win everything this year, such a great and fearless duelist and i cant forget CUM, that man cant have a bad decision ingame, but the only highlight of him i could find today was a high-five with T0x LMAAOOOOOOOOO
who yall got winning tomorrow?
i gotta be biased towards my boy dgzin
KRU seems way more confident in what they doing now tho (maybe NRG is just mada and ethan playing)
fortissímo ta, trocava o cansado do raafa e eles ganhavam
theyre so bad man
losing pistols to lev
just disband at this point lmao
eu tava falando disso mano, ele nao giva o bomb nunca, parece q eles nao tao olhando as ult dos inimigo
I, MYSELF, would like to make an sincere apology to you
you think sentinels coming back after this??? lmao
really living up to the overrated name
zellsis diamond player
zekken inconsistent
narrate inconsistent
johnqt brainmogged by v1nny
bang one map wonder
just disband at this point
thats just the difference between facing a team that has good comms and aim (LOUD) vs facing a team thats lost (2G and FURIA) split really was a close game and i wouldnt call what they did on defense on haven a "comeback", as they didnt even reach 10 rounds won
DG proved his worthy of tier 1 and im 100% sure sato wouldnt be doing whats hes doing, sato never played on tier 1, even if he had 18 he would be anxious about the matches and wouldnt perform as much as dgzin performed
DG is playing like his life depends on it, theres a whole other level on the meaning of winning these matches for him, it was personal against KRU, thats why KRU looked lost
if dg was retired how did he comeback and aced on KRU? dg is just extremely underrated and got to tier 2 as "redemption arc" so he could prove he is worthy of tier 1, he well did proved hes way capable of standing his ground on tier 1
still made KRU look like a tier 3 team tho
Keznit gameplay MAY look better but hes inconsistent, thats why he never achieved a trophy
desconsidering language barriers, which of these would you rather have in your team?
im kinda biased but cauanzin takes this one for me
nah they just warmed up
we win this now
Demon1 worst duelist on Americas so far
kill the first 3 enemies in each round
IF SO, FURIA MAYBE win the round
pancada won 2022 champions? its not like he hasnt won anything
the man who cant get an impactful kill ONCE for his team
porque vc é BR e ta torcendo pra KRU né
ta de sacanagem
the man who cant get a single impactful kill for his team
what is y'all thoughts on this roster? from what i seen, they could actually qualify to bangkok lmao
have to see how G2 and LEV are playing tho
lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooo uzbekistan tier 400 might be to hard for them
just get this trash ass team out from the franchise bruh lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooo
probably wrong on americas or emea but the hyped teams are always losing some strange matches that make me doubt them
my friend just told me that mwzera has a salary of 50 thousand dollars, and i found that ridiculous because that is a REALLY big amount of money for someone that never won anything. Am I wrong on this?
rossy looks like a great guy, otherwise moose seems like a pain in the ass. OXY seems to be too much of a great person to have "chemistry issues" with someone that recently joined the team. Moose must be sucking some D to stay in that team. And Rossy is 3 times better than Mitch. NA Tier 2 players are overrated as fuck
why the fuck did he left C9???? he was the best player in the team alongside OXY. does anyone have any explanations on what happened??
actual zero impact, paying for someone like him to play its an actual scam. SOMEONE please take his keyboard and mouse away
the others casters didn't look too stunned about that statement so (for me, atleast) they seem to understand what bren was trying to say
those american casters are trying to find a good reason for aspas to not be the best for a really long time, do you guys think aspas is really overrated? they accuse him of being a baiter and only playing for stats but i can't see that
i remembered pingsong mannnn, i was straight just watching fennel cuz of her
gotta throw my GOAT qck, underrated, underapreciated and attractive asfuc in my opinion, Autumn from FPX and Smoggy kinda good tho
cauanzin from champions 2023 or crashies from champions 2022?
which one would you pick if you were making a superroster? (disconsider the fact that cauanzin doesnt have a good english)
then he cant have any value cuz there are way betters omens than him and his duelist isnt enough to compete in tier 1, he might use another agents that idk
if he goes to a team that already has a jett so he can use yoru, it might be a good team
it still hurts me to this day how LOUD just threw qck in the trash mostly because of fan pressure, i think they could do way better with him on the team, he had a playstyle and game pressure similar to how Icy did on G2, however LOUD fans expected another aspas after him recently leaving the team.
smoggy, woot, mako, kingg, valyn and mindfreak are NOT better controllers than pancada LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
even tho all your messages are ragebaits, they're not working anymore, better train more if you want to make more people angry
eu ia abrir mas me lembrei do corno manso do xandinho que fudeu com o melhor app pra ver atualização do roster do vava
i think the only source he actually used is that TuyZ has been in a vacation in Europe while the rest of LOUD team is in Brazil
This looks like the easiest Masters i have ever seen, only capable teams of winning this is either PRX, GENG or LEV, but i think PRX takes this one, if they lose, idk what else they're doing wrong lol
se a LOUD trouxesse o OXY e pegavam um professor de português pra ele poder fazer as calls em português seria mto bom, OXY com um time lixo foi mto longe, LOUD ta indo longe ainda que tenham o qck de duelista EXTREMAMENTE inconsistente, ou ele mata 25 ou mata 10 em 28 rounds. Mesmo que a LOUD ganhe da 100T oq até acho q eles ganhem, não vão ganhar dos outros times tipo a LEV ou a KRU com alguém prejudicando o time.
your opinions are good tho, you see the potential in LOUD and i like that
what less do in the map may difference based in the map and agent he's playing but a lurker having such 1v1 potential like less has makes him the best, less basically does not lose 1v1s, that gets his team so much advantage on gaining space while the team is doing other things in the map.