Split apac to North Asia aka NA and SEA . Have Japanese and Korean team in NA and the rest of APAC team in SEA.
Amer shouldn't split, we don't need more team in NA nor in SA, 2 BR team is enough to cover the BR market, and 4 NA team is also enough to cover the NA market while giving enough time to play to talent (Will probably have more than 4 team anyway thaks to Ascention), we don't need more structure in the T1 that will cover market that are already covered, and we don't need more NA teams that will dillute the talent (The only new structure we need in T1 is a structure that will cover the weak LAN market)
But yeah, CIS REALLY need to be place in any region and have some structure that cover them, it can be EMEA or a new "West Asia" region, both are good to me
Thats too early, but i'm working on having more data on the number of player per region (I kinda use premier for that since I can access something else)
And I realised that Korea have more premier team than NA, and isnt that far to match the 5 European T2 region combinate. So yeah at some point we may need to split in 2 the "Asia" and the "Pacific" region, especially if we take in account that :
So maybe the future is Franchised Pacific :
4 KR team
2 JP team
1 Oceanian team
1 Mongolia or Taiwanese team
4 Ascention team (That will probably be 3 or 4 KR teams, lets be honest, but will help to dilute the Korean talent to be sure they dont dominate too mush)
Franchised Asia (Still Too weak) :
5 SEA team (ID / MYSG / TH / PH / VN)
1 or 2 Indian team
Potentially 1 MENA team
Potentially TR or RU team that could help the region to grow bigger
4 Ascention team
Why put MENA or RU in asia? why not emea? MENA cant even play asia servers besides tokyo,
ME is a part of Asia (Maghreb should go with France for ping and cultural reason), they can't play on Frankfurt and won't participate in the EMEA tournament, they don't have a T1 slot in EMEA and need one, EMEA has no German team nor Russian team, so the market is already saturated.
russia is never getting a region
When war will be over they will have their T2 region, and it would be weird to not grant them any T1 team, since they have no team in EMEA, they are geopolitics tention between Europe and Russia, and this "Asian" region lack of good player since they split, it wouldn't be dumb to put them in this region, so the SEA team don't suffer too mush of the loss of KR team, and KR finally can have their first team in the T1 without having to kick too many EMEA structure that are already established (You cant kick Navi, Fnc, KC, KOI, for fan reason, VIT, TL and TH because they are competent, and you need to keep 2 TR org so... They are no place left)