How do you guys feel about his Yoru? Do you think SEN will perform better if they keep him on Raze?
it's start of season, he's better of learning a new agent rn
it's obviously not polished, but i think they're banking on using yoru, so he will get better with experience
Yeah as I thought, Yoru aint it. Dgzin having an easy series.
feels like what th is doing to miniboo
s tier raze but he is forced on yoru duty
at least miniboo got aimers on his team to trade
I think he should stick to raze on lotus, but some of the other maps he should stay on yoru.
You right.
I will not stand the Zekken yoru slander
its not enough tbh, he isnt bad but its lacking
I feel like it because his not aggressive, where he goes back to his team to play safe, but it doesn't matter if they get outaim
my goat will never do bad on any agent because he is awesome
Not saying hes bad on it, he can just provide more value on Raze thats all.