role, aimstyle, and jinggg

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i feel like people don't talk enough about how aimstyle affects roles, and its part of the reason i am a little worried about paper rex's role switch. i think generally the best players in the world have an aimstyle that fits their class. yay's peak in 2022 was a big part due to chamber and jett, where he held angles or methodically peeked, which complemented his calm aim style. it's the same for less, as a sentinel/viper player, the calm aim and amazing crosshair placement lets him win so many first engagements lurking or on the weak side. (this is part of the reason i actually think demon1 on sentinel would go craaaaaazy). take another cracked aimer like alfajer. even when he played sentinel, i felt his aimstyle was actually based more on his movement and rapid flicking, and i think this is also a big part of why alfa on raze works well. i can't see less playing raze and having the same effect without changing how he aims.

how does this affect jingg?
i feel like jingg's aimstyle is very much that of an entry duelist. imo his first bullet accuracy isn't that great compared to other top aimers, like primmie. oten he does 200-240 damage (bodyshot -> headshot or bodyshot -> bodyshot -> headshot) where he controls the recoil so that the second or third shot is the headshot. now that he's playing some killjoy/cypher, i think his aimstyle is not optimal for this role. not saying that they can't find success with it, but it has the same worries that paper rex has always had. when they shoot better than other teams, they just shit on them. but at the top levels of competition where everyone is a cracked aimer, he might struggle.


Then again we never seen him in situation where he needs a good first bullet accuracy. On raze he is often bailed out by his movement and so he can go for those body-hs.
I think it will fine when it comes to aim im more worried for his lurking and timings of ult things like that






I mean both Leaf and Meteor were aggressive aimers with over heatings on duelist at once and look at them now
So I mean it comes down to Jinggg being able to adapt the more passive aiming methodology


pretty sure alfa played duelist for FNC at some point after getting picked up too
that role is slowly being taken over by duelist players


im pretty sure most of the top sentinel's played duelist at one point or a another alfa played duelist on fnc at one point and meteor was a duelist player and im pretty sure benjyfishy played duelist for a good while and then he switched to senti to play in t2/one game on TH


I feel like this only goes one way. Yes, it is hard to imagine Less playing duelist because of his aim style but I can easily imagine flicky/active aim players playing sentinel.

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