Yoru the only duelist that hasn’t been nerfed

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Jett, Reyna, Raze, Iso, Neon all nerfed

Actually not sure if Phoenix was ever nerfed

Yoru was buffed with the clone but never been nerfed


phoenix was nerfed back before kayo was released


Needs more buff for the best agent In the game to take over completely


No one uses it so


yoru is at good place but he isn't something you just play your main duelist player (raze,reyna) can easily pick up neon,phoenix,iso and they can play jett not gonna get max value cause jett is a entry/lurker yoru isn't a duelist you pickup you have to have a player who is comfortable on lurk,entry,support,2nd entry and they have to have INSANE game sense and awareness which you get by either onetricking him to radiant or being naturally gifted(miniboo,meteor) or somehow being a old head that can still hang on duelist(ardis,derke)
im probably over thinking this and im 100% wrong and every duelist can run him and get value by playing him as phoenix with a tp they just choose not to


no i think you're onto something. Yoru is probably the most difficult duelist to pick up and play effectively. A Jett main can play Reyna, Neon, Iso, and Phoenix pretty easily.


yoru is the most difficult duelist to pick up and play effectively but i feel like people overrate agent difficulty in this game cause valo agents are easy af when compared to other games

but honestly you can get good value on yoru by just playing him as phoenix with a tp and sometimes awping with him if u do the lil jump tech but he has potential plays that are insane but highkey sometimes people do too much with him and is worse then playing him like a regular flash duelist( and if we are talking pro play senti is slowly being taken over by duelist players so it seems like pro duelist players have no problem lurking)
that being said yoru is easily one of the most difficult if not the most difficult agent in the game when it comes to celling only agent that might compete is astra and those two feel like the only ones that have true difficulty

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