all the streamers yapping about how "neon is broken" and begging for her to be nerfed have got what they wanted. now neon is inexcusable to be played in ranked at all. while yes neon was above average, I don't think she was broken. while yes in radiant where there are people like temet who r one trick neon mains running around destroying people, there's a reason WHY they were doing well: because even before the buffet, they put in the work to learn the agent, so when she finally gets buffed, they get to have their time to shine. below "high elo" (immo and below) neon mains usually don't have insane impact. while yes getting aced on with a Bucky happens occasionally, YOU COULD DO THAT BEFORE THE BUFF.
I think that the only reason they made the neon changes was because all the pros and streamers were complaining, and they gave in. but as my goat tmv said: it brought agent diversity and mainly affected higher Elo players, and neons pickrate was still below viper and omen in proplay. there were 3 neon maps, 2 Jett maps and 2 raze maps, so much more balanced than before. while yes since theyre removing a Jett map and adding another neon/raze map, it would technically make sense, but wouldn't nerfing neon make it so razes dominance over the meta be as good as 2023?
Riot basically buffed neon just for champs and off-season. not even letting her simmer in vct for a while. they should have just removed the bullet accuracy and maybe nerfed her ults timer by a few seconds.
Lastly, neons ult. it's so bad now U might as well not have it. 10 seconds is horrendous, U might not even be able to clear a site with such a short time, and it being 8 ult orbs is even worse. "making it more intentional" is bullshit, it's so bad that waiting it out is so easy it's insane. raze is gonna be dominant asf now( she's my best agent but still) nerfing her to this extent is just bad for the game