It's going to sound weird but I argue it's due to the difference in the pressure you feel.
I played a few collegiate games but my team was nothing serious. Our highest-ranked player was immo1 at the time (imm2 now i think) and we were facing teams that had multiple radiants, so we obviously weren't expected to play well and just tried to have fun. My diamond ass would sometimes go crazy against these immortals though, which I know wouldn't happen in ranked. We'd obviously never win, but I'd have my moments. I have a clip somewhere in a Discord server with me 1v4 clutching post-plant against one of the top-ranked teams (we lost the map 13-2)
In customs with friends (10mans) I usually instalock a character I really want to play and try to play them in a silly way. I never touch Yoru in ranked but I always play Yoru in customs because I want to cheese and annoy my friends.
if you play ranked (soloq, stacking, whatever), there's something you can lose -- your RR. in customs or tournament play, assuming it's not a SERIOUS serious tournament with big money on the line and you having an actual shot of winning, you don't have anything to lose, really. so, you don't feel that same amount of pressure IMO.