They always get slapped around by them.
geng vs sentinels= g2 vs heretics, former always win the first meetups, later knocks them out of the tournament
their record is pretty even if you exclude soop, except gen.g loses when it matters more
it's 9-5 in favor of sen
no way youre counting GmericanG aswell
NA Gen.G does not count its really just 3-2 sen tbh
it all counts in my books
rename to what ?
Sentinels Side Bitches, did i stutter?
rename to what???
yea can you say that again ?
Sentinels Side Bitches, do you lack reading and hearing skills?
? But sentinels is terrible? They just lost to geng? Mental illness is such a sad thing to see, I hope you recover soon.
Can you say that again ?
Sure. Rename GenG to Sentinels Side Bitches