haha you really thought, nah im good
I think quitting this website might be beneficial to you, you have a severe adiction
u have more posts made per day than me
U have double the time that i have on this site and like 6x my posts, ur math aint mathin
i dont think you understand what i said but i am sorry
U average 29 posts per day, i average 9 posts
no u average 7
Clucker total rate = 1229 posts / 174 days = 7.0632183908 posts per day kalayav_n total rate = 8692 posts / 298 days = 29.1677852349 posts per day
Im doing this inbetween tabs on a phone so i forgor numbers, ty tho
how do u average 30 posts per day 💀
U havent seen prime acegamer
Nah not yet wait 2 weeks he owes me a mansion if DFM beat LEV
nah he said a map bro, why you making it harder get that mansion broski
U still need to make the OF u promise breaking fraud
he dropped 60 instead