top fragged 3 maps while calling, will still probably lose the series
bro has a 1.3 rating in the whole main event too, this is sad
a terrorist named Xeppa is getting away with it again
I feel like it's a little strange to put the blame on Xeppaa when V1c and Moose both played much worse
V1c off game and his stats don’t do him well, if you watch the games you can see how much impact he has + he’s super flexible so if needed he can role swap
I watched the game and he had very little impact
Not saying V1c should be kicked or anything, just that he played worse than Xeppaa
I wish he would focus more on his calls
that defense side looked rough. T1 went contact A like 5 rounds in a row and he still had them setting up deep backsite and playing retake
Moose shouldve been gone months ago tbh.
Xeppa, moose need to go
our RossBoss really got stuck with Moose and Xeppaa o7
Rossy calling was actually pretty good, especially on Abyss and Pearl.
Solid fragging igl. Kinda crazy that Americas teams kept passing him up.
rossy wants to go back to T1 after this