always 4v5 against every team and f0rsaken must do all the hard work
you guys don't want to win any trophy or what?
its just sad at this point
Some guy can only play 1 agent on a good level but they brought him back to replace a guy that could play that agent + 10 more on the same level
just for Singaporean fans
it was so that the 40-year old whales on twitter buy PRX jersey
something sacrificed his role for nothing LMAO
man we need jawg... actually the best replacement for jinggg because he's sooo versatile.
jinggg still farms but not againts GENG tbh
this new gen.g roster is not even better than the last gen.g roster 😂
how can you not farm them LMAO
So another year of making internationals but not getting close to a trophy?
At least they got top 3 with Monyet
it’s easy to say that in hindsight but you have to realize monyet hasn’t gone positive on a single prx game ONCE and they were champs finalists in 2023 with jinggg
They were at least able to play normal comps if they wanted
This ain't 2023 mate I want it to be 2023 again as well as a Fnatic fan
Tbf Madrid only had 8 teams, but yes now on hindsight Monyet's flexibility helped the team
Monyet was such an upgrade 😠the only thing he lacked was chemistry w the team but that jus kinda comes w time
he was getting comfortable with the team too and they just kicked him out for some 1 trick fraud LMAO
yeah we're fucked
we doomed